What I Read In June 2020.

what i read in june 2020

It was another great reading month over here. There are so many good books out right now that I can’t figure out which ones I want to read first! I really enjoyed everything I read this month.

While I’m keeping my reviews here on the blog, remember that you can follow the goodreads account with what I’m reading, so you can see what I read in real time.

You can also join the book club! We have the instagram and secret facebook group here.

You can find my reading lists here and previous What I Read posts here. I’d love to hear below what you read this month!

What I Read In June 2020

The Knockout Queen – 4 stars

This story absolutely gutted me. I could not stop reading. This is not a light and happy read whatsoever, but it is an incredible read! The story follows two friends in high school who grow up next door to each other, though they are in very different family and economic situations. Something happens that changes their fate forever. I loved their friendship so much, even though at times, Bunny was frustrating. The ending was heart wrenching. I could totally see this made into a movie! Only downside was that some very small sections dragged a bit.

Happy and You Know It – 3.5 stars

Guys! I had a hard time getting into this one. The story follows a musician who is dropped from her band and ends up taking a job for an NYC mommy playgroup. (Side note: do NYC playgroups actually hire musicians? What?!) There is lots of drama, one of the mothers is an influencer and there’s a scandal that is kind of crazy. It was good, but I just found that the story wasn’t really holding my interest. I liked it, but didn’t love it. I will say the wildest part was reading about NYC during “regular life,” you know? Ha!

28 Summers – 4.75 stars

I basically wait all year for Elin’s summer novel and this one did not disappoint. I definitely wanted a different ending – and you find out about the ending in the first chapter. The story follows a couple who has an affair for 28 summers straight on Nantucket. I loved the news brief at the start of each chapter and how she wave some history into each chapter and meeting. Only thing I didn’t love were the few chapters without a meeting update! I wanted more of the main characters in every chapter I could get.

The Vanishing Half – 5 Stars

I got HOOKED on this story instantly. The book follows Black twin girls, but one of them passes for white. The story follows them throughout their whole life – the completely different lives they lead and where they end up. The flow of this story reminded me a lot of Mrs Everything (which I also adored) – it’s a story that is told from when the girls are young as they grow older. I couldn’t wait to see what happened at the end of this story. I didn’t necessarily love the ending – I found it to be a little heartbreaking. But it was SO GOOD.

Clap When You Land – 4.5 stars

Another great one!! I know. I know, This was such a good reading month. This story follows two sisters who share a father… but don’t know it. One lives in the Dominican Republic and one lives in NYC. They end up learning about each other and the story goes from there. This is another story I got sucked into and finished in 36 hours. Oh oh and this book is written in verse! At first I was like ummm I am not going to like this, but I quickly took to the writing style and it ended up being fantastic. Def recommend it.

The Lies That Bind – 5 stars

This was another win for me. I actually can’t get over how much I loved this book. It felt very old school Emily Giffin in the writing – like back when I loved Something Borrowed. The story does revolved around 9/11 and I was taken aback but how much the story affected me. I was instantly transported back to when I was in college and watched the second plate hit live on TV. The story itself is so good and there are a few little twists that are semi-predictable but great. I’m actually surprised how much I loved this book.

White Fragility – 4.5 stars

I read this book and it was very eye opening for me. I will say that since reading it on June 1, I’ve learned that it probably was not the best anti-racist book to start with, so I’ve since added others to my list. This book though did show me how it’s incredibly important not to center yourself when it comes to antiracism and how you really have to get out of your comfort zone.

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The post What I Read In June 2020. appeared first on How Sweet Eats.