11 Kitchen Storage Ideas You'll Wish You Knew Sooner

I’m pretty sure that every home I’ve ever lived in has had a few shortcomings in the kitchen storage department. In my last apartment, the cupboards weren’t large enough to store appliances like my slow cooker, and in my current home, the drawers aren’t deep enough to hold utensils like ladles and my trusty potato masher.

I’ve found ways to get around these little storage hiccups—after all, that’s apartment living for you—but wouldn’t it be nice to have a kitchen where every gadget, appliance, and utensil had a dedicated—and convenient—home? I know I’m not alone in this desire, because every time I go on Pinterest, I stumble across at least one (but usually multiple) outside-the-box kitchen features that would together solve all my storage woes. We’re talking hidden drawers, cool compartments, and custom cabinets galore.