What I Read In January 2020.

New series alert!

For years you guys have been asking me to keep all my book reviews in one place, and this is how I’m doing it! I’m so excited about this because I can go revisit some of my favorites. I got this idea from Grace at The Stripe because she posts a recap of what she read every month and I just love it. While I often talk about what I’m reading in Tuesday Things and I always recap in Summer Fridays, this is a catch all for everything for the year!

I also sort of revived my good reads account just so I can rate the books as I finish them. Because I have major mom brain and need a backup to remind me what I read and what I rated!

You can find all my reading lists here and for a peek at this season, here’s my winter 2020 reading list. And I would love to hear what you’re reading now or what you though of the books below!

what I read in January 2020

Regretting You – 5 stars

I read this book into the new year and it was so, so good. I’m still thinking about it. I don’t know what it is about Colleen Hoover – her writing just GETS me. I normally don’t care for YA books but I love every single thing she does. This story is told from an alternating mother/daughter perspective and most of it takes place after a tragedy occurs. I didn’t want to read it for that reason – I don’t like to read sad/scary/death from sickness/etc books. But this wasn’t like that and it was SO GOOD.

Such a Fun Age – 4.5 stars

Really really liked this one! I loved the writing and felt like I could relate to some of the book in certain ways even though one of the characters is kind of awful (she’s an influencer – ha!). And I absolutely loved loved loved the relationship between Emira and Briar. This is written from alternating perspectives and the nanny and her employer and there is a little twist in it too. It was an easy but thoughtful read and one that had me invested quickly.

Recipe for a Perfect Wife – 2 stars

It took me FOREVER to get into this book. I mean, forever. I wanted to quit it so bad – seriously I looked at my kindle app and it was at 62% when I finally felt remotely invested. I didn’t really care for any(!) of the characters (except Nellie?) in this book. The story is told through alternating perspectives of a 1950s housewife and a present day woman. And I HATED how it ended. I feel like it totally glazed over the issues in the present day marriage. I also didn’t like how it tried to portray the ghost-like presence in the house. Whomp whomp. This got great reviews so maybe I’m just missing something.

The Better Liar – 2.5 stars

Guys, this is crazy because I am such a bad critic and usually love EVERY book, so it’s odd that I read two that I didn’t love this month. This one was totally my fault. It popped up on recommendations after I finished the book above and I went for it. This is so not my type of book! I don’t really enjoy thrillers or murders or anything like that (with the exception of the very occasional Gone Girl eqsue story). This is told from the perspectives of two sisters and a third character and again, I just found them all to be really unlikable! I read to escape and this took me nowhere, even with the twist at the end – though it was much more interesting than the book above, and I was invested earlier on. Did not like the ending at all though! (p.s. you still may love it because the other amazon reviews are pretty good. this is just not my genre of book!)

Love Lettering – 4.5 stars

Started this on a whim (it was another recommendation when I finished The Better Liar) and I finished it last night. I really, really enjoyed this! It is so super cute. It’s about a woman who does hand lettering and the detail that goes into the hand lettering was so interesting! I found it to be really well written and interesting too, especially since I don’t know much about that. What that being said, it’s definitely a fun, light, quick and easy read. Totally my kind of book!

Currently listening to: Atomic Habits

So far, I’m loving this. I don’t get to listen to books very often (and honestly prefer to read them) but enjoy listening to this type of book more than fiction. I think this book will be a game changer for me.

The post What I Read In January 2020. appeared first on How Sweet Eats.