Portobello Pizza with Roasted Garlic Sauce and Kale

Do I post too many pizza recipes? I hope the answer to this question is no, because I’m about to post another. A portobello pizza with garlic sauce and kale, to be exact. I just couldn’t help myself! I’m feeling pretty jazzed about pizza lately since I made two discoveries: 1) The best whole wheat pizza crust recipe in existence. 2) The magic of pizza stones. So let’s talk about the crust. In all of my previous pizza recipes, I’ve called for pre-made crust. When I’ve tried making my own pizza crust in the past, it never turned out well and it always took so much time to do–I mean, isn’t the point of pizza that it’s supposed to be a quick meal? And you expect me to make my own crust? Psshh. But after overcoming my fear of baking with yeast, I started experimenting with pizza crust. And then I found this recipe: Bookmark it, print it, pin it, whatever you need to do. Because this recipe is awesome. It tastes good, it’s easy (even with the yeast!), and the best part is, Martha Stewart includes instructions for making these crusts ahead and freezing them. So then when you […]