
Barclay and Ali Martin

Hey friends ♡

I hope that this finds you well and warm today, wherever life may have you this January.  We have been snuggled up inside here in Barcelona this past week, while Storm Gloria has slowly been making its way across the country.  And while the weather outside has been downright wild — I’ve never seen wind and thunderstorms this strong here! — I have to say that the Kansas girl in me has been loving it.  I’ve sooo missed the cozy comfort of a good stormy day living here, and love nothing more than going to sleep and waking up to the sounds of rain and thunder.  So I have been soaking it up this week, and enjoying the excuse to stay in and snuggle up with my pups, endless cups of hot tea, a few good books, binged seasons of “Cheer” and “Project Runway” — and it’s been great.

Anyway, I’m overdue for a life update on here.  So today I thought I would take a break from recipes and share a few of the things happening behind the scenes around here in the new year — some highs, some lows, some fun new adventures, plus a new little section at the bottom listing out some random things I’m loving right now.

As always, thank you for reading.  And I’m sending you big hugs and the warmest wishes for a good new year ahead!

Infertility | Negative Pregnancy Test


An excerpt from a post I shared on my personal Instagram last week.  All my love to those of you who have been down this road before, or are currently making your way through a season of infertility too.

Translation: (still) not pregnant. ♡

Barclay and I had really hoped that 2019 might be the year that a little one would finally join our family.  But instead, it ended up being the year when the fun and excitement of “trying” transitioned into the complicated medical world of infertility.  When our calendars became filled with doctors’ appointments and tracking apps galore. When we had to learn a whole new set of Spanish vocab words about infertilidad, and got used to discussing the most intimate details of our lives in stark clinical settings. When I went on a strict fertility/candida diet and faced my needle fears to do regular acupuncture and got poked/prodded/wanded/analyzed by doctors on the reg. When the roller coaster of cautiously getting our hopes up every 28 days ended with a negative pregnancy test every. single. time.⁣ (more…)