Turkey Noodle Soup and 8 Easy Recipes Using Leftover Turkey

Worried about being buried in a mountain of leftover Thanksgiving turkey this week? Use those leftovers to whip up an easy Turkey Noodle Soup or any of these 8 easy recipes for using leftover turkey!

Close up of a bowl of turkey noodle soup with a gold spoon in the bowl

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If you’re anything like me, preparing for Thanksgiving goes something like this:

Determine how big of a turkey you need to buy based on the number of guests you will be hosting.

Go to the store, stare at the size turkey you decided on and wonder if it’s really going to be big enough.

Decide to buy a turkey that’s just a little bit bigger. You know, just in case.

After everyone goes home, take stock of your kitchen situation only to realize you have mountains of turkey left over. Not to mention the leftover Sweet Potato Casserole, Parker House Rolls, and Classic Pecan Pie.

I do it every year. You’d think I’d learn, but I don’t.

So instead I have started coming up with ways to use that leftover turkey that aren’t just turkey sandwiches. I mean, I love turkey sandwiches, but I can only eat so many of them, ok?

First up: a quick and easy Turkey Noodle Soup.

The post Turkey Noodle Soup and 8 Easy Recipes Using Leftover Turkey appeared first on My Baking Addiction.