Lunchbox-Friendly Mexican Cauliflower Rice Salad

It’s easy to get in a lunchtime rut, eating the same few foods over and over because they’re easy and you have them on hand. Having a mix-and-match lunch system can help you break out of that rut, allowing you to have a variety of easy lunch options that don’t compromise on flavor or quality. Here’s my basic formula: Grain base +  protein and veggie filling  +  dressing or salsa + toppings = one incredibly healthy and delicious lunch! You can use just about any grain for the base — rice, quinoa, millet, or even a “faux” grain like cauliflower rice. Canned beans or lentils and a combination of your favorite raw, steamed, grilled or roasted veggies, will work for the filling and toppings can vary from day-to-day based on what you have in the fridge or pantry — nuts, seeds, chopped fresh herbs, etc. Yesterday’s hummus makes for a great addition to a Mediterranean themed bowl, and that 1/4 jar of marinara that has been hanging out in your fridge is great in bowls with white rice, cannellini beans, marinated artichoke hearts and a sprinkle of basil and pine nuts. Toss lentils with a simple red wine vinaigrette one day […]